miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Colección de Tweets Relevantes

He creado una colección de tweets en donde iré colocando los tweets seleccionados... 

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Lo + relevante del fin de semana (29/05/2015 - 01/06/2015)

twitter_account date day title
el_pais 31/05/2015 Domingo #Psicología http://t.co/FVYskXtOt1 ¿Cómo gestionar las emociones? Aquí una guía para encontrar el camino http://t.co/umIiAdTSGm
el_pais 31/05/2015 Domingo Entrevista a @AdaColau http://t.co/wLU43dd0pr "Si hay que desobedecer las leyes que sean injustas, se desobedecen" http://t.co/FONIO8UEGN
el_pais 01/06/2015 Lunes Opinión | 'Himnos para silbar', por Jorge M. Reverte http://t.co/9JGYvSxTdo http://t.co/REaeMQF4UW
el_pais 31/05/2015 Domingo Pedro Sánchez llama al Rey para solidarizarse con él por la pitada en la final de Copa

http://t.co/zyrOkxAbLx http://t.co/16PzXLnTma
el_pais 31/05/2015 Domingo El Oviedo renace en la Bahía de Cádiz y consigue el ascenso a Segunda http://t.co/b0pWnkV37O http://t.co/QTFfp35fn4
abc_es 30/05/2015 Sábado Un Messi imparable le regala la Copa al Barcelona http://t.co/Zd37Hx82bu http://t.co/AdF05gt1Td
abc_es 31/05/2015 Domingo Clint #Eastwood cumple 85 años. En sus vitrinas atesora dos #Óscar (uno por "Sin perdón" y… http://t.co/bGh6sQsSdy http://t.co/MN9j9mHyFi
abc_es 01/06/2015 Lunes El peligroso juego de mezclar política y deporte http://t.co/AZ89pzkOQL http://t.co/XgpG3UQeCG
abc_es 30/05/2015 Sábado RT @abc_deportes: La Comisión Antiviolencia abordará el lunes la vergonzosa pitada al himno - http://t.co/aoYU9I898z - #CopaRey
abc_es 31/05/2015 Domingo RT @abc_deportes: #VÍDEO La alegre sonrisa de Artur Mas durante la pitada al himno http://t.co/cDUzSkUCnQ http://t.co/IzyS4LiZFj
elpais_economia 30/05/2015 Sábado Argentina comienza a pagar a España una deuda de 1993 http://t.co/IJzWLNhYLG http://t.co/p7DIBsoEs9
elpais_economia 31/05/2015 Domingo Así es el ático más alto de EEUU que ha comprado un empresario saudí por 86 millones de euros http://t.co/dqjHLreL0C http://t.co/vFYqH5YILT
elpais_economia 29/05/2015 Viernes TTIP | La Eurocámara se muestra a favor del tratado de libre comercio con EE UU por primera vez http://t.co/Jf9fqb1KZG
elpais_economia 29/05/2015 Viernes Opinión | Paul Krugman: "Los españoles no quieren austeridad" http://t.co/75qaCWQWG1 ¿Qué significa para Grecia? http://t.co/dFhzp3IRxo
elpais_economia 29/05/2015 Viernes Villar Mir se retracta: "Manuela Carmena me da una gran tranquilidad como alcaldesa de Madrid” http://t.co/gtEtRT8kiD http://t.co/2mEZpLNeWj
elmundoes 31/05/2015 Domingo Un dron hiere a Enrique Iglesias 'bailando, bailando' durante un concierto en México http://t.co/L3JR7AxacQ http://t.co/8buYb0wgzT
elmundoes 31/05/2015 Domingo Manos Limpias denuncia a los aficionados y a Villar por la pitada al himno http://t.co/NSw2NjnLVi http://t.co/M4cwksDjZq
elmundoes 30/05/2015 Sábado Reacción a la pitada al himno. El lunes, reunión de la Comisión  Antiviolencia http://t.co/XMd9cCTBFK #CopadelRey http://t.co/l56ByNV47i
elmundoes 31/05/2015 Domingo .@Pablo_Iglesias_ pide más humildad al @PSOE: '@sanchezcastejon, habéis tenido el peor resultado desde 1979' http://t.co/5YeSB3fDZl
elmundoes 31/05/2015 Domingo ¿Políticos adictos al poder? Ostentar un cargo mucho tiempo puede llevar a la dependencia http://t.co/3Nxw8Qo2gC http://t.co/Z38SdVo8pI
nadaesgratis 31/05/2015 Domingo RT @cabralestweet: Viendo esto de @lugaricano he tenido que escribir sobre fraude y ciencia en @nadaesgratis

http://t.co/jc2WpHGmtt https:…
nadaesgratis 01/06/2015 Lunes Grecia desde la depresión hasta la distimia. ¿Hay una salida? - http://t.co/8Ul8FaIVdg
nadaesgratis 31/05/2015 Domingo RT @anxosan: Give productive researchers money to carry on. Forget applications. 'Big science' and related issues via @Afdezanta http://t.c…
nadaesgratis 31/05/2015 Domingo RT @conderuiz: @dlacalle @cultrun @elmundoes Aquí Pim Pam Pum a Grecia todo el tiempo, pero en 2014 Grecia consiguió Superávit Primario y E…
nadaesgratis 31/05/2015 Domingo RT @conderuiz: @cultrun @dlacalle Jejeje, España tiene uno de los  Déficits más altos mundo y una Deuda Pública en el 100% por méritos prop…
EurekAlertAAAS 30/05/2015 Sábado Biodiversity: 11 new species come to light in Madagascar http://t.co/mq8gvjfGz8 via @UNIGEnews #EurekAlertTrending http://t.co/b3xeKBFB8I
EurekAlertAAAS 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @NYTScience: Sleep may have the power to reduce bias http://t.co/4JfxwuquPE
EurekAlertAAAS 31/05/2015 Domingo .@stanfordeng breakthrough heralds super-efficient light-based computers http://t.co/9UNFkSCBNB #EurekAlertTrending http://t.co/OetRXT2mDz
EurekAlertAAAS 30/05/2015 Sábado How spacetime is built by quantum entanglement http://t.co/HCfBvlTTwL via @UTokyo_News_en #EurekAlertTrending http://t.co/hzERoFiWfl
EurekAlertAAAS 29/05/2015 Viernes Physicists precisely measure interaction between atoms & carbon surfaces http://t.co/4Fg2cNRGQt - @UW @EurekAlertAAAS http://t.co/65t9IfPmsO
EconMetrics 29/05/2015 Viernes Modelling Inflation Volatility: This paper discusses estimation of US inflation volatility using time-varying ... http://t.co/knTIWfvRLr
EconMetrics 30/05/2015 Sábado An Unbiased Measure of Integrated Volatility in the Frequency Domain: This article studies the effect of marke... http://t.co/JEYbUI4GHA
expansioncom 31/05/2015 Domingo Dónde están los billetes baratos que las aerolíneas no quieren que compres http://t.co/vYYbgMlz0d http://t.co/GP0jPhqUj2
expansioncom 31/05/2015 Domingo ¿Qué gran empresa permitirá a 6.000 empleados decidir su hora de entrada y salida? http://t.co/iLd4Paeh5A http://t.co/nbEpt4QWex
expansioncom 01/06/2015 Lunes Manual de uso de LinkedIn http://t.co/jFbG94ViKw
expansioncom 31/05/2015 Domingo Ada Colau: "En este contexto de emergencia, subvencionar la Fórmula 1 no es la prioridad", http://t.co/PuxPsYJwRL http://t.co/zyBn0I8WMW
expansioncom 31/05/2015 Domingo Rivera dice que Ciudadanos celebrará el 4 de julio primarias para las generales http://t.co/gj41hI2JVP
business 30/05/2015 Sábado New arrests coming in FIFA corruption probe, according to investigator http://t.co/iCtFgnZYRY
business 01/06/2015 Lunes Australia moves toward gay marriage after Irish vote http://t.co/CvWQgbNISf http://t.co/KR5M6Ydjna
business 29/05/2015 Viernes .@Snapchat raises $537.6 million in a sale of common stock, valuing the startup at about $16 billion http://t.co/EOsNCyFOzF
business 29/05/2015 Viernes Google’s solar-fueled cyber drone crashes during New Mexico test http://t.co/kdYSe3izsw http://t.co/lJRt5wP14q
business 31/05/2015 Domingo How FIFA boss Sepp Blatter has maintained power for decades http://t.co/6IejOIQZe8 http://t.co/TFZ3Lj5zZ3
EconBizFin 01/06/2015 Lunes Energy subsidies gobble money, kill people and cook the planet. They also cost $5.3 trillion http://t.co/l6EkXfpP8G http://t.co/DpLCYl2v3p
EconBizFin 31/05/2015 Domingo Game theory may sound trivial. It is not. We explain how John Nash earned his Nobel http://t.co/dasMxhp7lV http://t.co/WUnhedXw7P
EconBizFin 31/05/2015 Domingo Africa’s economy is growing steadily http://t.co/Jd9yBo71Lb http://t.co/fFlojrranj
EconBizFin 31/05/2015 Domingo Africa's economy is slowly growing, as foreign investments pour in. What are they targeting? http://t.co/zdvlrDgmNL http://t.co/DnbU3YdNUb
EconBizFin 31/05/2015 Domingo Children (4-6) exposed to multiple languages are better at getting inside others' minds http://t.co/VFEvNSUXqL
voxeu 30/05/2015 Sábado Socio-economic adversity kills men; women are more resilient: Socio-economic conditions like wealth and educat... http://t.co/befQ8DqBOj
voxeu 30/05/2015 Sábado Socio-economic adversity kills men; women are more resilient: Socio-economic conditions like wealth and educat... http://t.co/befQ8DqBOj
voxeu 31/05/2015 Domingo A unifying approach to prevent bubbles: Debt financing amplifies the effects of asset prices fluctuations acro... http://t.co/LhYViFeIvQ
voxeu 29/05/2015 Viernes Evidence of political budget cycles: Most of us intuitively believe that politicians reduce taxes and increase... http://t.co/RMvSiirDXJ
voxeu 31/05/2015 Domingo A unifying approach to bubble prevention: Debt financing amplifies the effects of asset prices fluctuations ac... http://t.co/LhYViFeIvQ
Bruegel_org 31/05/2015 Domingo Chinese private debt is 6x larger than in 2007, having reached 150% of GDP in 2014  http://t.co/Dne3oZTxrn http://t.co/skDVYS1LYU
Bruegel_org 31/05/2015 Domingo Russian-Greek gas cooperation unlikely to have direct structural impact on Greek economy http://t.co/5fkY0NaE4U http://t.co/F2JvT5Reqp
Bruegel_org 29/05/2015 Viernes Children living in jobless households in €-area periphery countries doubled 2008-2013 http://t.co/IJ5VaZwoFD #poverty http://t.co/7Y8TDgOaSr
Bruegel_org 31/05/2015 Domingo Shadow economies in Italy & Germany were as large as Austrian GDP in '13 http://t.co/nAP6U6XZKE http://t.co/vq5M7yuqIS
Bruegel_org 31/05/2015 Domingo Which country holds the highest number of top posts in the EU institutions? http://t.co/TtFWAc9oHi http://t.co/7iDJFZzw7Y
BBGVisualData 30/05/2015 Sábado Each state's most distinctive cause of death. http://t.co/BuK5ETYRK4 http://t.co/HpS2e29brs
BBGVisualData 30/05/2015 Sábado There is no new money. Ties between Wall St. and Silicon Valley run deep: http://t.co/RyNI6YUupO http://t.co/oMPusQSKUe
BBGVisualData 31/05/2015 Domingo What happens when a generation of Wall Street traders have never seen a rate hike? http://t.co/yXw4JU0awy http://t.co/0Iv1WtUlNz
BBGVisualData 29/05/2015 Viernes What happens when a generation of Wall Street traders have never seen a rate hike?  http://t.co/yXw4JU0awy http://t.co/ShYKFBS07C
BBGVisualData 31/05/2015 Domingo Undeclared war:

http://t.co/SwDH99iifa http://t.co/xx51J6R0sA
theeconomist 30/05/2015 Sábado Game theory may sound trivial. It is not. We explain how John Nash earned his Nobel http://t.co/YT06leUMTV http://t.co/A0tJPODwWb
theeconomist 30/05/2015 Sábado Children (4-6) exposed to multiple languages are better at getting inside others' minds http://t.co/9B8yqwxKPf
theeconomist 01/06/2015 Lunes Badly educated men in rich countries have not adapted well to trade, technology or feminism http://t.co/nkPGMNQrMx http://t.co/Dmuis9vUxf
theeconomist 31/05/2015 Domingo Why keen language learners avoid answering "how many languages do you speak?" too brashly http://t.co/SnqiBOUqKe http://t.co/aDPFbx0IvJ
theeconomist 31/05/2015 Domingo Blue-collar men in rich countries are in trouble. They must learn to adapt http://t.co/U6qdRxrPgs http://t.co/TmzYThOdDw
RLangTip 29/05/2015 Viernes Concatenate elements of a vector to a single comma-separated string: paste(letters, collapse=", ") #rstats http://t.co/8uqYP8z0WS
ceprdc 29/05/2015 Viernes "Until it is shown otherwise, it is reasonable to call the #TPP a protectionist pact," @DeanBaker13 writes: http://t.co/7ROm4liit8
ceprdc 31/05/2015 Domingo Experts: #PaidSickDays are good for public health, working families & local economy http://t.co/4zZI0xk9JU @EarnedSickTime @EileenAppelbaum
ceprdc 30/05/2015 Sábado #PaidSickDays  are building strong families in #Philadelphia, says @EileenAppelbaum http://t.co/PB4IFd2cW2 @EarnedSickTime #Pennsylvania
ceprdc 31/05/2015 Domingo RT @reftpt: Great interview with Deborah James of @ceprdc on the WTO negotiations on food security http://t.co/85drfmKBXV
ceprdc 29/05/2015 Viernes The latest from @HaitiAidWatch examines #Haiti's election schedule this year, & parties' reactions to it: http://t.co/2caQ6NL01V
griverorz 30/05/2015 Sábado RT @DiegoKuonen: 'Inconvenient Truth About #DataScience'

@WhiteRavenPL > http://t.co/lrgF43xelT @MktngDistillery #BigData #Statistics http:…
griverorz 30/05/2015 Sábado RT @MaxCRoser: The reduction of Polio in Africa http://t.co/0FXrD7aMM0
griverorz 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @AcademicsSay: Yes, I do my best writing in the morning. If by "morning" you mean "after a deadline" and by "writing" you mean "I am ash…
griverorz 30/05/2015 Sábado RT @timeshighered: Too many PhDs, not enough tenured positions: http://t.co/5c29aU8efE - by @HollyElse
griverorz 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @ananny: Starting Monday, I'm teaching a 2-week intensive workshop on #bigdata & #algorithms at @USCAnnenberg. Syllabus: http://t.co/vkp…
MarkitEconomics 01/06/2015 Lunes #Spain Manufacturing #PMI at 55.8 in May (April: 54.2). Output growth strongest since Apr'07 http://t.co/dcyGbNrLPe http://t.co/uBJ7T3iw0k
MarkitEconomics 29/05/2015 Viernes US economy shrank at annualised rate of 0.7% in Q1, according to revised #GDP numbers (revised down from 0.2% gain)
MarkitEconomics 01/06/2015 Lunes #Eurozone manufacturing recovery continues in May. #PMI at 52.2 (52.0 in April) http://t.co/Url3Ws8t26 http://t.co/OGrmPZ3ec2
MarkitEconomics 29/05/2015 Viernes #Retail sales in #Germany rise more than expected: Sales up 1.7% m/m, beating TR consensus of a 0.8% increase (March: -1.4%)
MarkitEconomics 29/05/2015 Viernes Latest estimate of Q1 GDP showed US economy shrinking at annualised rate of 0.7%. Note free to read here: http://t.co/kzo2nv9oYe
DataVizRR 01/06/2015 Lunes Top data visualization articles from last 48 hrs http://t.co/JPL4M2QaWH
DataVizRR 29/05/2015 Viernes Creativity and science in data visualisation - Visualising Data http://t.co/QCviWJUNSp
DataVizRR 31/05/2015 Domingo Top data visualization articles from last week http://t.co/XQiLxNIF91
DataVizRR 30/05/2015 Sábado Top data visualization influencers one should follow http://t.co/67KCNRjqHz
DataVizRR 30/05/2015 Sábado Updated collection: 298 data visualisation resources - Visualising Data http://t.co/bN8pfptHQz
flowingdata 30/05/2015 Sábado RT @j_kalla: BKA's statement on "Response to Irregularities in LaCour and Green (2014)" cc @dbroockman http://t.co/IbZ7c0SXNK
flowingdata 30/05/2015 Sábado Still down due to @linode outage. About 12 hours now. Brutal.
flowingdata 30/05/2015 Sábado Uh, major power outage with @linode. Hopefully FD will be back up soon...
bbc 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @BBCRadio2: The #500Words final is in full swing with host @achrisevans looking dapper. Listen here:  http://t.co/vZssJioeXq http://t.co…
bbc 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @1Xtra: Tomorrow night @realmostack brings the heat to the booth #MoStackFireInTheBooth <ed><U+00A0><U+00BD><ed><U+00B4><U+00A5><ed><U+00A0><U+00BD><ed><U+00B4><U+00A5><ed><U+00A0><U+00BD><ed><U+00B4><U+00A5>

bbc 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @BBCSport: The #Fifa presidential election is well underway. Follow it all on Sportsday live: http://t.co/RvH8MmH8WW http://t.co/soQXtW2…
bbc 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @BBCAfrica: Guinea and Sierra Leone have reported an upsurge in cases of #Ebola. Four times as many instances reported last week as the …
bbc 30/05/2015 Sábado Wembley awaits. Catch all the #FACup action &amp; #getcarriedaway with @BBCSport @BBCOne @bbc5live http://t.co/WgDyt9LCgG http://t.co/jj1KG0pjc0
financialtimes 31/05/2015 Domingo British banks pay £12bn in penalties http://t.co/CBtQV6zWbc
financialtimes 31/05/2015 Domingo ‘Executive pay has become dysfunctional’ http://t.co/NiCwo8qvnZ
financialtimes 31/05/2015 Domingo Chinese-owned law firm launches in London http://t.co/5r98CZSadY
financialtimes 31/05/2015 Domingo Energy companies seize initiative on climate change http://t.co/2sS3kxFemi
financialtimes 31/05/2015 Domingo Cancer drug combo boosts survival rate http://t.co/wOvVLfSTJK
nytimes 01/06/2015 Lunes "The Big Bang Theory" creates a science scholarship http://t.co/fuXlXVxhjB
nytimes 01/06/2015 Lunes A water revolution in Israel has allowed the country to overcome any threat of drought http://t.co/9pzU3WI3dJ http://t.co/Dse3oPcwcv
nytimes 31/05/2015 Domingo Grilled garlic bread: A quick and delicious side for summer dinners http://t.co/lDkBm8elvn http://t.co/J7VCh8COMr
nytimes 31/05/2015 Domingo Ex-FIFA official cites satirical article from @TheOnion in his self-defense http://t.co/MYu4rfwF49
nytimes 31/05/2015 Domingo Challenging Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Gains Momentum in Iowa http://t.co/xxwTT5mDbz
elconfidencial 30/05/2015 Sábado Muere la última mujer llamada Urraca en España. Canuta, Afrodisia o Prepedigna, otros nombres amenazados http://t.co/D0pl8qSoNK
elconfidencial 31/05/2015 Domingo Fuga de nuestros enfermeros a Reino Unido. Ya hay 6.000 y no tienen intención de regresar  http://t.co/jN2HMqXcCy http://t.co/fW2UAgFODG
elconfidencial 31/05/2015 Domingo En la Copa del Rey, Felipe VI escuchaba el himno a duras penas... mientras Artur Mas sonreía http://t.co/bF4VKS3QUk http://t.co/EZRgdppnI4
elconfidencial 30/05/2015 Sábado RT @vanitatis: Esposa, asistente y demandante por acoso: os presentamos al triángulo femenino de Trillo http://t.co/wYoXtWkazn http://t.co/…
elconfidencial 31/05/2015 Domingo #LoMásLeído: El Felipe VI escuchaba el himno a duras penas... mientras Artur Mas sonreía http://t.co/muaJJXLsYg http://t.co/m3CbqfWtme
elpais_espana 29/05/2015 Viernes Entrevista a Mònica Oltra, dirigente de Compromís http://t.co/cC124IxCh4 “Vamos a entendernos, sin imposiciones” http://t.co/V3N0pbVY2N
elpais_espana 29/05/2015 Viernes Localizado el enfermo de tuberculosis ‘huido’ del hospital de Alcalá http://t.co/Mp4bQqkxXk http://t.co/UAF1uL9rmD
elpais_espana 29/05/2015 Viernes Ciudadanos retira la exigencia de que el PP imponga primarias http://t.co/eWWndc9Npr http://t.co/j3kdsmF0fS
elpais_espana 29/05/2015 Viernes El Gobierno defendió hace un mes la gestión de Castellano, el delegado detenido en Valencia http://t.co/tmQ8uA9Jx7 http://t.co/k2iJc9G3Kv
elpais_espana 29/05/2015 Viernes El Consejo de Ministros aprueba dos decretos, para abrir universidades y acreditar docentes

http://t.co/NClngzL9ya http://t.co/2mRXVCWcGO
markets 29/05/2015 Viernes Oil prices are on a tear after US drillers idle rigs for the 25th straight week. http://t.co/kqktDS5sPk http://t.co/w89zeYCFe0
markets 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @business: Google’s solar-fueled cyber drone crashes during New Mexico test http://t.co/kdYSe3izsw http://t.co/lJRt5wP14q
markets 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @business: Snapchat valued at $16 billion in new fundraising, source says http://t.co/EOsNCyFOzF
markets 29/05/2015 Viernes Greek bank deposit hit their lowest level since 2004, down over €100 billion from 2009 peak http://t.co/dlvz2Jaw65 http://t.co/vp8FkAIPRd
markets 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @MxSba: CHART: #Greece bleeding continues. New OFFICIAL data show bank deposits down (again!) by 6 bn€ in April. 11-year low. http://t.c…
OxfordEconomics 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @pdacosta: World's top oil producers in 2014 via @OxfordEconomics http://t.co/0Fh7p4P072
OxfordEconomics 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @pdacosta: Canada's #oil rig count has collapsed: @OxfordEconomics http://t.co/pYIOUNrnA7
OxfordEconomics 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @GregDaco: #GDP -0.7% in Q1 but no time to panic. Q2 rebound will be modest 2% on lingering growth constraints but 3% avg in H2 on solid…
OxfordEconomics 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @GregDaco: Disclaimer for all Q1 #GDP growth releases? @OxfordEconomics thinks so. Adjust for resid seas GDP, +1.2%, not -0.7% https://t…
OxfordEconomics 29/05/2015 Viernes RT @GregDaco: Cons #sentiment: 6mo low May on higher #gas prices &amp; weak grwth impressions. Not worrisome since gener'ly low gas price &amp; eco…
HarvardBiz 30/05/2015 Sábado The psychology of good data visualization http://t.co/hUo5VerOXb http://t.co/C5F8hyXhYc
HarvardBiz 30/05/2015 Sábado A business strategy alone isn’t good enough. You need an innovation strategy: http://t.co/RNLcTJJP5s @motogp61 http://t.co/E8AG33vCQV
HarvardBiz 31/05/2015 Domingo What Maslow's Hierarchy Won't Tell You About Motivation http://t.co/gdsb1ARpd6 http://t.co/EYdRmqnbjT
HarvardBiz 29/05/2015 Viernes It's true: Being happy at work matters http://t.co/OdOlpn8jdk http://t.co/cryAaMkHvG
HarvardBiz 30/05/2015 Sábado If You Want People to Listen, Stop Talking http://t.co/VC63FbCOV8 http://t.co/IStMEeFsDE